JavaScript Module Pattern and Encapsulation

Hıdır Volkan Sönmez
2 min readJan 16, 2024


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Modules are commonly used to store functions independently from other components. From an object-oriented perspective, a “module” is a JavaScript class that allows us to achieve “encapsulation.”

Encapsulation ensures whether the behaviors of a module, including functions and methods, are accessible or not.

Our reference code is provided below.

var ModuleName = (function(){
var privateVariable = 0;
var privateMethod = function() {
var publicMethod = function() {
return {
publicMethod: publicMethod

After defining variables and methods within the module, in the ‘return’ section, we specify the methods and variables that we will expose externally as an Object Literal.

Usage example:


Let’s briefly discuss Object Literal. They are name-value pairs separated by commas. For example:

var MyObject = {
defaults: {
id: 123456–789,
name: "Apple",
defName: "apple_fruit"
someMethod: function() {
console.log("Method runing");

Let’s conclude the topic by creating a simple module.

var Modal = (function(){
var createModalCover = function(modalCoverID){
var modalCover = document.createElement("div");
modalCover.classList.add("modal_cover"); = modalCoverID + "_cover";
var removeModalCover = function(modalCoverID){
document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById(modalCoverID + "_cover"));
var open = function(containerID){
var close = function(containerID){
return {
modalOpen: open,
modalClose: close

Firstly, we defined our operations related to the modal; we wrote the necessary code to create and remove the modal cover (createModalCover — removeModalCover). Then, we defined our open/close modal window operations (open / close). We also made these open/close operations accessible from the outside in the return section.


Modal.modalOpen ();

Important Note: When making primitive-type variables used within the module public, the values of the variables inside the module remain the same, but a copy is created, and operations are performed on the copy.


var Module =function(){
var publicVariable = "lorem";
var log = function(){
return {
publicVariable: publicVariable,
log: log

Now, let’s change the value of the publicVariable.

Module.publicVariable = "ipsum";
Module.log(); // lorem

Here, a copy of publicVariable was created, and the value of publicVariable within the module remained the same. When creating a module, the properties exposed to the outside should be methods. Public operations related to variable values should be handled within the module using get/set methods.

